

AVI Metal

Advanced Powder Gas Atomization Technology. VIGA EIGA

AVI Metals

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Avi Metals

With more than ten years of dedicated research on materials, Avimetal has developed a series of alloy powder materials for aerospace, digital healthcare, automotive manufacturing, consumer electronics, industrial molding and other applications. With high purity and sphericity, low oxygen content and excellent performance, our products are widely applied in selective laser melting (SLM), laser solid forming (LSF), laser cladding (LC), metal injection molding (MIM), hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and other manufacturing techniques.

Avi Metals

 Additive Manufacturing

3D Printing Powder

 Laser Cladding


 Spray Coating


 Metal Injection

Molding Powder

 Hot Isostatic Pressing


Advanced Powder-making Atomization Technology

Avimetal has a 15-year technological base of atomization used in superalloy powder production. We have thus made a breakthrough in world-leading powder production technology, such as Vacuum Induction Inert Gas Atomization (VIGA), Electrode Induction Gas Atomization (EIGA), Plasma Rotary Electrode Atomization (PREP), Plasma Atomization (PA), etc., which two technologies, VIGA and EIGA, are the first to realize domestication. The high-end powder materials dedicated for 3D printing developed by us, such as titanium alloy and superalloy, have been applied and industrialized in the national defense equipment.


Innovation, experience, and expert advice are the heart of everything we do. Our rapid response team makes sure you get what you need when you need it. Contact us now at 780-439-8099 or info@induratealloys.com for details on any of the items listed above.

For the latest product details, visit the Avimetal website.

Avimetal Website 




 (780) 439-8099

#100, 9841-41 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A2

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