Decade #1 Complete

By Lorne Chrystal, President & Founder
Indurate Alloys Ltd. is approaching the end of the first decade of incorporation. Judith and I continue to be amazed at what we have achieved in what seems like an eye blink. We have grown from a single room in the basement of our home and about 20 linear feet of rented pallet racking in a client warehouse, to the 4,500 square feet of warehouse for inventory storage and manufacturing, including office space for five that we have today.
The decision to invest in and incorporate Indurate Alloys Ltd. was centered around our family and my personal desire to have a good work/home life balance. Our children were young at the time, and I wanted to be a part of their daily lives. Working 12- or 14-hour days would not afford me the opportunity to spend valuable time with the family on a daily basis. If being more in control of my time was the only benefit gained from our start-up, that would have been enough. Fortunately, the benefits of entrepreneurship have far exceeded our expectations and for that we are eternally grateful.
Of course, any discussion of our achievement must include special thanks to our valued clients as well as our suppliers, because without strong relationships in both directions we would not be here today. We have always felt that relationships are at the core of any success in business and have tried to keep to that credo as our business grew and will endeavor to continue to focus on this as we move forward into the future.
Over ten years, Indurate Alloys has grown from just me “doing it all” to being able to hire exceptional employees. I feel that we have chosen our employees well! Melanie, Dino, and Zachery are invaluable to our current success and each of them bring so much to the table. I read once that you should surround yourself with people who can push you and who offer attributes and opinions that differ from your own. This was and continues to be sage advice, and I can say from experience that our people are our strength. We are so grateful for each of them. Our hope is that we will be able to add even more people with different attributes, strengths, and opinions in the future.
As Indurate moves forward into our second decade, we have a few new ideas we’re working on and are excited to see where our company goes from here.